Link Education Project works closely with schools to provide support for students, teachers, administrators, and parents.  With a focus on literacy or parent engagement, our services include: needs assessment & goal-setting, team-building, professional development, study groups, individual coaching & consultation, and classroom modeling.

Student working on reading papers
parents with Link Education Project

At Link we know that parents are vital to the success of any program.  Link’s programs for parents and caregivers include establishing and strengthening parent leadership teams, creating study groups for parents of adolescents, and establishing and organizing book clubs and writing workshops.


“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

We believe that strong schools are the backbone of sustainable communities, and Link is dedicated to supporting the local community through partnerships that strengthen schools.   To support our programs, we buy books locally, patronize local vendors, utilize local authors and speakers, and tap into the resources and energy of neighborhoods.

Link Education Project builds community